Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Rainforest

1 comment:

    For my final project I wanted to create a rainforest series of works. I used bright vibrant colors for the plants and animals in each scene. I wanted the compositons to be interesting and visually pleasing to look at. I did a border of plants on the top part of most of my pieces. I wanted the pieces to have some humor to them. I also wanted to have: realistic elements and cartoon-like ones (for example the animals look real but the leaves, flowers, and plants have a cartoon-like look to them (the drop shadows make them pop off of the page). I like mixing medias. The purpose of my series is to show the beauty of the rainforest with all of its colors and life. My series can be viewed as "animals on a stage performing" or just as something pleasing to look at. I think that each of the pieces have their own personality to them because of the animals, plants, and backgrounds are combined. I hope that when people look at my pieces they appreciate the rainforest and the animals that live there. Most of all I hope that the series is eye catching and shows my personality- my love for bright animals and plants.
